How to make a watermark

 How To Make A Watermark


1. Open Your Logo File

2: Open the Threshold Adjuster

     Go to Image–> Adjustments –> Threshold

3: Make it Black

     Slide the bottom slider all the way to the right to make your entire logo black.

4: Your Logo Is Now Black

5: Turn Your Logo into a Brush
     Go to Edit –> Define Brush Preset

6: Name Your Watermark Brush

     Enter the name in the little pop-up window and click OK.

7:  Open an Image and Choose the Brush Tool

8: Find the Watermark Brush You Just Created

     Open your brushes menu and find the logo brush you just made.
9: Stamp Your Logo Watermark Into Your Image
      Hint: you can use the bracket keys on your keyboard [ and ] to make your brush bigger or smaller.



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