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Hallo here i will share how to customize brush in photoshop! Get all of our tutorials as print-ready PDFs!   Let's get started! Step 1: Create A New Photoshop Document Let's begin by creating a brand new Photoshop document which we'll use to design our brush. Again, the purpose of this tutorial is not to learn how to create this exact brush, but rather to see how the process works from beginning to end. I'm going to create a new 200 x 200 pixel document by going up to the File menu in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen and choosing New . Or, for a faster way to create a new document, press Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac) on your keyboard: Go to File > New. This opens the New Document dialog box. Enter 200 for both the Width and Height options and make sure the measurement type is set to pixels . Also, make sure the Background Contents option is set to White since we need white to be the bac...

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